Sunday, September 5, 2010

LEGO Star Wars #8093 Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter Review

Theme: Star Wars
Name: Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
S/N: #8093
Year: 2010
Pieces: 175
Minifig: 2
Price: RM194.90, SGD55.90, USD24.99, GBP24.99

The front of the box shows the fighter and the minifigs while the size show us the actual scale of the minifigs that comes with the set. As for the back, the functions of the fighter are shown together with picture of other set.

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We get a instruction booklet, a sticker sheet and four packs of bricks. Below are the pictures:

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We get a lightsaber with metallic hilt compare to the other two set, which is grey in colour.


Most of us already have Plo Koon from Republic Gunship, and the only minifig we want from this set is R7-D4, the brown Astromech Droid.

mf mf1

Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
Is a little disappointed that the slope piece are not printed but instead sticker. However, the republic emblem are printed.

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You can see one black button right below the cockpit for you to push so you can kill Plo Koon. ^^

I suppose this are blaster cannon that are placed on both side at the front and there's the printed republic emblem.


Like the other Jedi Starfighter, this one have landing gear too.


Finally, there are stud for you to attach your astromech droid.

drd compartment drd compartment 1

The cockpit are a little different from the other two which is there is no printed monitor, all are sticker added details and Plo Koon are not attached but instead sit on a technic pin which you can push to eject him out of the cockpit.

cockpit cockpit 1 cockpit 2

At the side of the cockpit is a holder for his lightsaber, wonder why on earth Plo Koon place his lightsaber outside the fighter.

clippper clippper 1

Extra pieces
We left only two pieces of bricks after assembling the starfighter.


Completed model
All three starfighter are differently design by TLG and all three have different functions. Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter actually not bad, just that there are too many sticker added details.


Playability: 8/10 New eject function.
Design : 8/10 Too many sticker added details.
Price : 4/10 Is expensive here.
Overall: 7/10 New function, new fig but different design from the previous two JSF.


Hevy782 said...

Awesome!!! Nice review. I've got the other two CloneWars star fighters, this is the only one I haven't got. I'm hoping to get it for Christmas. Can't wait for the next review.

Hydrocys said...

Thank you for liking my review. ^^